
DUFA was established in 2011 to make a bridge between the ex-students and current students as well as with the teachers of the department. The idea first come from the then Chairman of the department Professor Dr Dwan Ali Ahsan who encouraged the ex-students to make a platform through which they can unite and contribute to the department as well as the country. Later a convening committee was formed, and the association was named as “Dhaka University “Fisheries Alumni Association”, DUFFA in short. The journey of the association starts here.


  1. Brotherhood, Selfless and Service oriented
  2. Non-political and Social
  3. Respect and loyalty to the constitution and conventional laws of Bangladesh

It is worth mentioning that the principles of the constitution of Fisheries Alumni Association are not changeable, updateable or refinable in any way.

Aims of the association:

  1. To establish a relationship between the ex-students of the department through which it can work for the interest of the department, the university and the nation as a whole.
  2. To develop humanity in current and ex-students and to reflect it at national and international levels through organizing social, cultural and intellectual activities.
  3. To provide education scholarship to the poor and meritorious students to encourage them to be research oriented.
  4. To form a trust fund to operate welfare activities for the internal members of the association and at national level.
  5. To transform the association as a service oriented social organization. Moreover, to develop friendly, cooperative and compassionate relationship between the members, regular re-union will be organized.