Strategic Objectives

General objective

The general objective is to establish quality academic culture in the entity (department/institute/faculty for the attainment of intended skills, knowledge, and attitude so that they can meet the needs of the employers, society at large and even the needs of the global community leading to the socio-economic development of Bangladesh.

Specific objectives

  • To establish good governance ensuring for such a learning environment in the entity so that the graduates can attain the intended learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude and be fit to meet the society.
  • To modernize and update the curricula according to the needs of the society
  • To ensure entry of good quality learners with commitment so that graduates can achieve desired standards.
  • To improve physical facilities to create better learning condition for the achievement of learning outcomes.
  • To ensure effective teaching-learning for quality education (for attaining intended learning outcomes)
  • To establish fair, effective procedures to assess achievement of course learning outcomes by the students
  • To improve student support services such a level so that students’ personal and academic needs can be met.
  • To make an effective team of teaching and non-teaching staffs for quality education.
  • To develop capacity, formulate policy and undertake program for innovative research.
  • To maintain and enhance internal quality assurance (IQA) practices.