Name of the Branch: Aquaculture (AQ)
Distribution of Courses

Course no Title Credit
Compulsory course
AQ 501 Aquaculture Production Systems 3
AQ 502 Aquaculture Feed Technology 3
AQ 503 Aquatic Animal Health Management 3
AQ 504 Reproductive Aquaculture and Aquatic Seed Production 3
AQ 505 Aquaculture Genomics and Biotechnology 3
AQ 506 Statistical Applications in Aquaculture 3
Optional course (any one)
AQ 507 Immunology and Aquaculture Pharmacology 2
AQ 508 Sustainable Aquaculture and Environmental Management 2
AQ 509 Aquaculture Project Management 2
Sub Total (a) 20
Project Group (A)
FM  510 Seminar presentation 2
FM  511 Project (Project – 2 credits; Project presentation – 1 credit) 3
FM  512 Practical 3
FM  514 Viva-voce 2
Sub-Total (b)  10
Grand Total (a+b) 30
Thesis Group (B)
FM  510 Seminar presentation 2
FM  513 Thesis (Thesis – 4 credits; thesis presentation – 6 2 credits) 6
FM  514 Viva-voce 2
Sub-Total (c)   10
Grand Total (a+c) 30