Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) requires ongoing and targeted measures to realize the planned improvement. These are strategies that provide great ways to overcome the weaknesses of the programs using strengths and opportunities identified through a comprehensive self-assessment and peer review process. The process of improvement begins with the developing a required improvement plan (usually from one month post audit to up to 5 years). This plan addresses all issues identified for programs improvement to enhance students learning. Together, the components of the program’s improvement plan should embody a design that is comprehensive, highly structured, specific, and focused. Specifically, the plan must:

  1. Identify affirmations and recommendations made by peer auditors by the nine QA Areas for Bangladesh and relevant strategic interventions and timelines.
  2. Incorporate strategies that will strengthen the core academic subjects in the entity and address the specific academic issues.
  3. Adopt policies and practices concerning the programs’ core academic subjects that have the greatest likelihood of ensuring that all groups of students will meet the programs’ proficiency level of achievement
  4. Establish specific, annual, measurable objectives for continuous and substantial progress by students
  5. Incorporate strategies to promote high quality professional development
  6. Incorporate strategies to promote high quality research

It consists of-

  • Strategy for the years (2018 to 2021)
    This is the first improvement plan ever the establishment of the entity Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Biological Sciences. This plan is for next four years with the mission, goal and objectives of the department and is aligned to the vision, mission, goal and objectives of the University of Dhaka. It is the reflection of the SWOT analysis of the current situation coming through a critical review of the programs offered by the department. It consists of targets/goals, objectives, and proposed policy interventions to achieve the targets and objectives. It is a policy document and provides inputs during preparation of annual budget of the university. The next strategic plan will be prepared after a period of four years of implementation of this plan followed by one-year critical review of the programs.
  • Business Plan/Action Plan for the year 2018-2021
  • The Action Plan of the department/institute/faculty has a 1-year scope and essentially presents the key priorities. The aim of this plan is to present detailed actions that shall be accomplished within the projected time/1-year.

Strategic Objectives

General objective

The general objective is to establish quality academic culture in the entity (department/institute/faculty for the attainment of intended skills, knowledge, and attitude so that they can meet the needs of the employers, society at large and even the needs of the global community leading to the socio-economic development of Bangladesh.

Specific objectives

  • To establish good governance ensuring for such a learning environment in the entity so that the graduates can attain the intended learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude and be fit to meet the society.
  • To modernize and update the curricula according to the needs of the society
  • To ensure entry of good quality learners with commitment so that graduates can achieve desired standards.
  • To improve physical facilities to create better learning condition for the achievement of learning outcomes.
  • To ensure effective teaching-learning for quality education (for attaining intended learning outcomes)
  • To establish fair, effective procedures to assess achievement of course learning outcomes by the students
  • To improve student support services such a level so that students’ personal and academic needs can be met.
  • To make an effective team of teaching and non-teaching staffs for quality education.
  • To develop capacity, formulate policy and undertake program for innovative research.
  • To maintain and enhance internal quality assurance (IQA) practices.

Key Documents consulted

  • Self-Assessment Report Year 2017
  • External Peer review report Year 2017
  • Academic Ordinance Year 1973
  • Examination Ordinance Year 1973

Achievements of Strategic Targets(09 QA Areas)
Targets by 2021 (Four years plan)

  1. Developing vision and mission of the department
  2. Updating documentation and maintenance procedures
  3. Create Student Society/ functional Alumni association
  4. Feedback/Relationship among Alumni/industry and other local universities (Stake holder)
  5. Maintaining and enhancing good academic practices (Explore the possibility of standardization of working hours to make everyone become more productive)

Curriculum Content Design & Review

Targets by 2021 (according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. To develop/design outcome based/structured curriculum
  2. Periodic review of curriculum with the participation of stakeholders

Student Admission, Progress and Achievements
Targets by 2021(according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. Formulating policy for regular monitoring of progress of the students
  2. Creating database for recording of progress and achievement of the students
  3. Improving ICT facilities
  4. Establish academic calendar

Physical Facilities
Targets by 2021 (according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. Increase infrastructure facilities
  2. Establishment of high-speed internet connectivity for the students
  3. Ensuring clean and hygienic washrooms for male and female students

Teaching – Learning and Assessment
Targets by 2021 (according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. Ensure innovative teaching techniques to make the students keen, focused and interested to learn
  2. Training of teachers
  3. Formulation of policy for the assessment of student performance
  4. Academic advisory need to be practiced
  5. Formulate mechanism for the student feedback and the assessment of teaching quality (teachers and course)
  6. organize guest lectures to improve the student’s perception about fisheries sector

Student Support Services
Targets by 2021 (according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. Formulation of policy for academic guidance and counseling
  2. Formulation of policy to expedite extra- and co-curricular activities
  3. Involvement of alumni in student support services
  4. Income generation activities for students

Staff and Facilities
Targets by 2021 (according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. Policy for continuous improvement and pedagogical training for the academic and non-academic staffs
  2. Improve relationship among academic and support staffs
  3. Improve integrity and accountability among staffs

Research and Extension
Targets by 2021 (according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. Formation of research policy
  2. Extension program with industry and other fisheries organizations
  3. Signing MoU with fisheries related organizations
  4. Raise funds/grants for establishment of research laboratories
  5. Establish quality testing center such as water, feed, products, disease etc.

Process Management & Continuous Improvement
Targets by 2021 (according to Audit Recommendation)

  1. Formulate policy and strategy for quality education and continuous monitoring and improvement
  2. Introduce and maintain KPI (key performance indicator)
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